In this activity, the programming concept of looping is introduced through a basic dancing routine.
Discover which materials make the best insulators for the home. Learn the basics of thermal physics and solar heating through this interactive investigation.
How do elevators work? What makes them safe? Learn all about elevator operation by building your own model and carrying out a hands-on investigation.
Discover the physics of fluids by using air to levitate a ping pong ball in midair.
Design your own boat. Investigate how different materials and shapes affect movement. Master the physics of flotation with this hands-on experiment.
Discover the science behind a famous magic trick: lying on a bed of nails! Is it a trick after all?
Build your own motorized drawing machine. Watch as your robot colours on its own while you learn about forces and energy transformations in robots.
Discover how tilt sensors work by building your own circuit using an Arduino board. Learn the science behind these nifty sensors. Starter code available.
Build a simple DC motor. This quick and easy experiment illustrates the principles of motoring, basic circuits and electromagnetism.
Understand the fascinating science of refractive indices by making glass disappear in a transparent liquid. This easy experiment will leave you speechless.