Discover which materials make the best insulators for the home. Learn the basics of thermal physics and solar heating through this interactive investigation.
Build your own smartphone projector using recycled materials. Experiment with lenses to learn how they focus light and affect image quality.
Build your own motorized drawing machine. Watch as your robot colours on its own while you learn about forces and energy transformations in robots.
DIY capacitor able to produce miniature lightning bolts with voltage in the thousand-volt range.
Understand how compasses work - and when they will malfunction! A great way to learn about magnetism, magnetic materials and the Earth’s magnetic field.
Demonstrating gyroscopic precession using a spinning wheel.
Make music from cardboard and rubber bands! See how and why different strings can make different sounds.
How do elevators work? What makes them safe? Learn all about elevator operation by building your own model and carrying out a hands-on investigation.
This intriguing experiment tests the time it takes for the brain to process what it is seeing into reacting and taking an action.
Discover how wind turbines work by building your own model. Observe the operation of a generator and learn how to power an LED in this exciting experiment.